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Desiree Peterkin Bell's Blog

Black Women and Leadership

Black Women and Leadership

Until recently, Black women in leadership positions in business were a rarity. The march of progress has been slow. However, as more and more women of color break through the glass ceiling, they shatter stereotypes regarding black women's leadership capabilities....

How to Effectively Lead a Remote Team

How to Effectively Lead a Remote Team

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of leaders are now forced to lead the charge from the comforts of their own homes. And while working in your pajamas sounds ideal, the lack of face-to-face contact can make matters rather challenging at times. If you find yourself...

3 Important Tips for Creating Work-Life Balance

3 Important Tips for Creating Work-Life Balance

If you struggle with issues related to forming a genuine sense of a work-life balance, you are not alone. Indeed, many people face this issue on a weekly or even daily basis. To really form a healthy approach to a solid work-life balance, however, most of us will need...

Waking Early Bolsters Health and Lifestyle

Waking Early Bolsters Health and Lifestyle

The American statesman, publisher and genius Benjamin Franklin delivered this famous phrase in his Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1735: “Early to be, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.” But is it true? Modern science has long been trying to get to the...

4 Tips to Build Your Network

4 Tips to Build Your Network

Networking is beneficial to any professional out there. The good thing with networking is that you get to meet new people who can add value to your career or profession. Upholding good professional networks also helps you to build on your skills by learning from other...

Waking Up Early Bolsters Health and Lifestyle

Waking Up Early Bolsters Health and Lifestyle

The American statesman, publisher and genius Benjamin Franklin delivered this famous phrase in his Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1735:   “Early to be, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.”   But is it true? Modern science has long been trying to...

Moving on From Your Job Without Burning Bridges

Moving on From Your Job Without Burning Bridges

Everyone reaches a point at which they need to leave a job, and how you leave your job can affect your own future. For instance, the way you depart from a job can influence how easily you can find a new position with a different company. Here are a few tips for...

The Importance of Exit Interviews

The Importance of Exit Interviews

The onboarding interview is a standard protocol among most companies; however, exit interviews don't show up as often. In fact, a lot of employers fail to see the value in questioning a soon-to-be-former employee on their way out. Here are just a few reasons why exit...

Maximizing your LinkedIn profile

Maximizing your LinkedIn profile

Social media networking remains one of the most powerful tools that allow social integration and interactions. One of the most powerful social media tools today in professional networking is LinkedIn. The platform is optimised for professional networking and the...

4 Tips For A Successful Business

4 Tips For A Successful Business

The business industry changes every day. As more women choose to pursue their dreams, competition heats up. This might discourage some people from beginning at all. When your business has a rocky start, it’s important to remember that all successful companies start as...