Even if you have a large following, getting people to engage with your post’s content can be challenging in itself. Your goal is to encourage your followers to like, share, and comment on your posts regularly. If you’re not seeing a consistently growing level of interaction, you may need to alter your approach. Get creative. Be bold.
Create Engaging Content
Everything you post to your social media accounts should be useful or entertaining to engage your followers. When you do discuss your products or services, your posts shouldn’t come off as a hard sell. Instead, provide a tutorial, provide an example and address concerns that many of your clients have had, or highlight some of the unique ways previous clients have used your products or services.
End With a Call to Action
Every post should end with a call to action as a means of prompting follower interaction. You can ask your followers to share images or videos of them using your product, result of your services or seek feedback about your post’s topic. By ending each post with a question, and by allowing your audience to engage, you’ll encourage more of your followers to leave comments.
Interact With Others
If it’s a dry day for topics, skip your normal post and spend that time interacting with your followers. For example, doing an IG Live can go a long way. Another good way to do this is by searching for posts that have tagged your brand or products. By sharing and commenting on posts that have mentioned your brand, you’ll be showing your followers that you’re also interested in them. People are more loyal to brands that interact with their followers on a regular basis. If you share the posts that have tagged your brand, your followers will tag your brand more frequently.
React to Your Followers
You should also be responding to your followers as they comment on your posts or send you direct messages. Publicly responding to comments on your posts shows all of your followers that you’ll interact with them. By replying to private or direct messages, you can help your customers develop trust in your brand. You’ll be showing them that you stand behind your products.
If you want to boost online interaction with your brand, you’ll usually have to take the first few steps. Social media users are wary about interacting with commercial brands, so they want to see that you’re interested in more than just making a sale. They also want to see that the brand has “personality”. Once you demonstrate your brand’s values and personality, you’ll be in a better position to grow your following and encourage more interaction.